Fix Over Capacity Error In Prisma

Here is a list of solutions to fix Prisma is over capacity issue because of server problem.

Since it is so popular these days Prisma users experience the so-called Over Capacity error. The issues is related to the server sizes.

As we all know the pictures we have edited will be uploaded to the Prisma server.

Imagine if there are thousands of thousands people editing their pictures then the pictures are uploaded to Prisma's server almost at the same time?

There result will be over capacity. Yes it will be. That's because there are too many requests at the same moment to which forcing the server experience issues.

What is Prisma?

Prisma is an app that requires users to be connected to internet to use it. Prisma can be used offline. Its speed and responsiveness totally depends on how many people use it.

Surely in the busy hours you will find it not too responsive and the worse is over capacity error.
Fix Over Capacity Error In Prisma

If you are one of the unlucky users being occupied with Over Capacity error. Then you will be guided from this post to fix it.

How to fix Prisma Over Capacity error?

  1. Don't tap Home or button for switching app while Prisma is uploading because the action will freeze the process. As the result you will need to redo it.
  2. Be sure you are in the 4G or 3G network. This will make your connection stable.
  3. Don't use Multitasking. This is not good for Prisma.
  4. It's better not to use Prisma at the busy hours.
  5. That would be all guys.
That would be all the workarounds you can try to fix the Prisma over capacity error. Utilize them until Prisma developers increase the size of their server.

However if you have any questions in mind then don't be shy to reveal them on the provided comment area. Hope you find this post useful. And see you again in the next posts.
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