BBM Transparan Neon v2.9.0.51 apk is also coming with Shimmer Layout feature, with it you will see animation effect on your friend's Display Picture. That would be cool of course dude. Right?
Aside from that, this BBM Mod transparent Neon has been upgraded to the as the latest version currently and other features that also brought by it, making this BBM mod to be the most compared with other BBM that offering the same abilities.
So if you are looking this tyupe of BBM app. Then I invite you to install it to your beloved Android OS based handset.
BBM Mod Transparent APK.
Complete features of BBM Mod Neon Transparan apk.
- It's a BBM transparent apk.
- DP full.
- On / off for sponsor.
- There is autoteks.
- Cover Ui
- Sticker can be backed up..
- Lock mode.
- Post image to Facebook site.
- Can change running text with color and size.
- Opacity
- Refresh button.
- Load font.
- Bling notification.
- Shimmer layout feature.
- Not BBM clone.
To download BBM Mod apk Transpaan Neon v2.9.0.51 apk then you can use the following link and the size of the file is 14.06MB.
- Download app BBM Neon v2.9.0.51-signed.apk via DropBox.
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